Make Waves with Market Making

Make the markets more efficient and stable
							    -- Simple Market Maker by pshai
    -- inputs
    local slotCount = Input('01. Slot Count', 5, 'How many orders are constantly kept open on both long and short side')
    local slotSize = Input('02. Slot Size', 10, 'Trade amount per slot')
    local slotSpread = Input('03. Slot Spread %', 0.1, 'Percentage based spread value between each slot')
    local slotCancel = Input('04. Cancel Distance %', 0.1, 'How much price can move to the opposite direction before orders are cancelled and replaced')
    local minSpread = Input('05. Minimum Spread %', 0.1, 'Minimum spread percentage between the first long and short entries. This setting only works when bot has no position.')
    local maxSize = Input('06. Max. Open Contracts', 12000, 'Maximum open contracts at any given time. After exceeding this value, the bot will dump a portion of position at a loss')
    local reduceSize = Input('07. Size Reduction %', 25, 'How big of a portion the bot will dump once Max. Open Contracts is exceeded')
    local reduceOrderType = InputOrderType('08. Reduction Order Type', MarketOrderType, 'The order type for size reduction dump')
    local takeProfit = Input('09. Take-Profit %', 0.2, 'Fixed take-profit value, based on price change')
    local tpOrderType = InputOrderType('10. TP Order Type', MakerOrCancelOrderType, 'The order type for take-profit')
    local hedgeMode = Input('11. Hedge Mode', false, 'Hedge Mode works on exchanges like OKEX and Binance Futures with hedge mode enabled (need to set that via Binance Futrues website!). Changing this setting while bot is running will cause unwanted behavior!!')
    local hedgeRoi = Input('12. Hedge Minimum ROI %', 10, 'The ROI % the current open position needs to have before we enable the opposite side')
    local allowLong = Input('13. Allow Long Positions', true, 'Set to false to disable Long Positions during a down trend.')
    local allowShort = Input('13. Allow Short Positions', true, 'Set to false to disable Short Positions during an up trend.')
    minSpread = minSpread / 2.0
    -- regular single-position logic
    if not hedgeMode then
      -- price and data
        local cp = CurrentPrice()
        local aep = GetPositionEnterPrice()
        local pamt = GetPositionAmount()
        local proi = GetPositionROI()
        Log('position ROI: '..Round(proi, 4)..'%')
      -- not using spread if we have a position
        if pamt > 0 then
          minSpread = 0
      -- slot function
        local slot = function(isLong, index, amount, spread, cancelDist)
          local prefix = isLong and 'L' or 'S'
          local name = prefix .. index
          local cmd = isLong and PlaceExitShortOrder or PlaceExitLongOrder -- a little hack...
          local priceBase = isLong
              or cp.ask
          local spr = minSpread + spread * index
          -- if we have average entry price
          if aep > 0 then
            priceBase = isLong
                and Min(aep, priceBase)
                or Max(aep, priceBase)
          -- get price
          local price = isLong
              and SubPerc(priceBase, spr)
              or AddPerc(priceBase, spr)
          local oid = Load(name..'oid', '') -- order id
          if oid != '' then
            local order = OrderContainer(oid)
            if order.isOpen then
              local delta = isLong
                  and Delta(AddPerc(order.price, spr), priceBase)
                  or Delta(priceBase, SubPerc(order.price, spr))
              if delta >= cancelDist then
                oid = '' -- reset id immediately, otherwise need 2 updates to get new order
                LogWarning('Delta cancelled '
              oid = ''
            oid = cmd(price, amount, {type = MakerOrCancelOrderType, note = name, timeout = 3600})
          Save(name..'oid', oid)
      -- update take-profit
        local updateTakeProfit = function(entryPrice, targetRoi, cancelDist)
          local name = 'Take-Profit'
          local oid = Load('tp_oid', '')
          local isLong = GetPositionDirection() == PositionLong
          local timer = Load('tp_timer', Time())
          local tp_delta = isLong and Delta(entryPrice, or Delta(cp.ask, entryPrice)
          if oid != '' then
            local order = OrderContainer(oid)
            if order.isOpen then
              local delta = isLong
                  and Delta(order.price, cp.close)
                  or Delta(cp.close, order.price)
              if delta >= cancelDist then
                LogWarning('Delta cancelled '
              oid = ''
            if tp_delta >= targetRoi and Time() >= timer then
              SetFee(tpOrderType == MarketOrderType and TakersFee() or Abs(MakersFee())*-1)
              oid = PlaceExitPositionOrder({type = tpOrderType, note = name, timeout = 3600})
              timer = Time() + 60 -- 1min
          Save('tp_oid', oid)
          Save('tp_timer', timer)
      -- update position size
        local updatePositionManagement = function(currentSize, sizeLimit, cancelDist)
          local name = 'Size Reduction'
          local oid = Load('pos_oid', '')
          local isLong = GetPositionDirection() == PositionLong
          local amount = SubPerc(currentSize, 100 - reduceSize) -- take X% of position
          local price = isLong
              and cp.ask
          local cmd = isLong
              and PlaceExitLongOrder
              or PlaceExitShortOrder
          local timer = Load('pos_timer', Time())
          if oid != '' then
            local order = OrderContainer(oid)
            if order.isOpen then
              local delta = isLong
                  and Delta(order.price, cp.close)
                  or Delta(cp.close, order.price)
              if delta >= cancelDist then
                LogWarning('Delta cancelled '
              oid = ''
            if currentSize > sizeLimit and Time() >= timer then
              SetFee(reduceOrderType == MarketOrderType and TakersFee() or Abs(MakersFee())*-1)
              oid = cmd(price, amount, {type = reduceOrderType, note = name, timeout = 6000})
              timer = Time() + 60 -- 1min
          Save('pos_oid', oid)
          Save('pos_timer', timer)
      -- da logica
        -- take profit
        updateTakeProfit(aep, takeProfit, slotCancel)
        -- risk management
        updatePositionManagement(pamt, maxSize, slotCancel)
        if allowLong then
          -- update slots
          for i = 1, slotCount do
            slot(true, i, slotSize, slotSpread, slotCancel) -- long slot
        if allowShort then
          for i = 1, slotCount do
            slot(false, i, slotSize, slotSpread, slotCancel) -- short slot
        if aep > 0 then
          local posId = PositionContainer().positionId
          Plot(0, 'AvgEP', aep, {c=Purple, id=posId, w=2})
    -- hedge it!
      -- price and data
        local cp = CurrentPrice()
        local c = ClosePrices()
        local rsi = RSI(c, 9) -- RSI is used to determine which side to start off with. this is to eliminate ghost positions.
        local signal = rsi > 52 and -1 or rsi < 48 and 1 or 0
      -- positions
        local hedge_longPosId = Load('hedge_longPosId', NewGuid())
        local hedge_shortPosId = Load('hedge_shortPosId', NewGuid())
        local dir_l = GetPositionDirection(hedge_longPosId)
        local aep_l = GetPositionEnterPrice(hedge_longPosId)
        local pamt_l = GetPositionAmount(hedge_longPosId)
        local proi_l = GetPositionROI(hedge_longPosId)
        local dir_s = GetPositionDirection(hedge_shortPosId)
        local aep_s = GetPositionEnterPrice(hedge_shortPosId)
        local pamt_s = GetPositionAmount(hedge_shortPosId)
        local proi_s = GetPositionROI(hedge_shortPosId)
        Log('LONG position ROI: '..Round(proi_l, 4)..'%')
        Log('SHORT position ROI: '..Round(proi_s, 4)..'%')
      -- not using spread if we have a position
        if pamt_l > 0 or pamt_s > 0 then
          minSpread = 0
      -- manage position ids
        if pamt_l == 0 and IsPositionClosed(hedge_longPosId) then
          if IsAnyOrderOpen(hedge_longPosId) then
            hedge_longPosId = NewGuid()
            dir_l = GetPositionDirection(hedge_longPosId)
            aep_l = GetPositionEnterPrice(hedge_longPosId)
            pamt_l = GetPositionAmount(hedge_longPosId)
            proi_l = GetPositionROI(hedge_longPosId)
        if pamt_s == 0 and IsPositionClosed(hedge_shortPosId) then
          if IsAnyOrderOpen(hedge_shortPosId) then
            hedge_shortPosId = NewGuid()
            dir_s = GetPositionDirection(hedge_shortPosId)
            aep_s = GetPositionEnterPrice(hedge_shortPosId)
            pamt_s = GetPositionAmount(hedge_shortPosId)
            proi_s = GetPositionROI(hedge_shortPosId)
      -- get pos id
        local getPositionId = function(isLong)
          return isLong and hedge_longPosId or hedge_shortPosId
      -- slot function
        local slot = function(isLong, index, amount, spread, cancelDist, canPlace)
          local prefix = isLong and 'L' or 'S'
          local name = prefix .. index
          local cmd = isLong and PlaceGoLongOrder or PlaceGoShortOrder
          local priceBase = isLong
              or cp.ask
          local spr = minSpread + spread * index
          local posId = getPositionId(isLong)
          local aep = isLong and aep_l or aep_s
          -- if we have average entry price
          if aep > 0 then
            priceBase = isLong
                and Min(aep, priceBase)
                or Max(aep, priceBase)
          -- get price
          local price = isLong
              and SubPerc(priceBase, spr)
              or AddPerc(priceBase, spr)
          local oid = Load(name..'oid', '') -- order id
          if oid != '' then
            local order = OrderContainer(oid)
            if order.isOpen then
              local delta = isLong
                  and Delta(AddPerc(order.price, spr), priceBase)
                  or Delta(priceBase, SubPerc(order.price, spr))
              if delta >= cancelDist then
                LogWarning('Delta cancelled '
              elseif not canPlace then
                LogWarning('Not allowed right now '
              oid = ''
            if canPlace then
              oid = cmd(price, amount, {type = MakerOrCancelOrderType, note = name, timeout = 3600, positionId = posId})
          Save(name..'oid', oid)
      -- update take-profit
        local updateTakeProfit = function(isLong, entryPrice, targetRoi, cancelDist)
          local prefix = isLong and 'Long' or 'Short'
          local name = prefix .. ' Take-Profit'
          local oid = Load(prefix .. 'tp_oid', '')
          local timer = Load(prefix .. 'tp_timer', 0)
          local posId = getPositionId(isLong)
          local tp_delta = isLong and Delta(entryPrice, or Delta(cp.ask, entryPrice)
          if oid != '' then
            local order = OrderContainer(oid)
            if order.isOpen then
              local delta = isLong
                  and Delta(order.price, cp.close)
                  or Delta(cp.close, order.price)
              if delta >= cancelDist then
                LogWarning('Delta cancelled '
              if order.isCancelled then
                timer = 0
              oid = ''
            if tp_delta >= targetRoi and Time() >= timer then
              SetFee(tpOrderType == MarketOrderType and TakersFee() or Abs(MakersFee())*-1)
              oid = PlaceExitPositionOrder({type = tpOrderType, note = name, timeout = 3600, positionId = posId})
              timer = Time() + 60 -- 1min
          Save(prefix .. 'tp_oid', oid)
          Save(prefix .. 'tp_timer', timer)
      -- update position size
        local updatePositionManagement = function(isLong, currentSize, sizeLimit, cancelDist)
          local prefix = isLong and 'Long' or 'Short'
          local name = prefix .. ' Size Reduction'
          local oid = Load(prefix .. 'pos_oid', '')
          local posId = getPositionId(isLong)
          local amount = SubPerc(currentSize, 100 - reduceSize) -- take X% of position
          local price = isLong
              and cp.ask
          local cmd = isLong
              and PlaceExitLongOrder
              or PlaceExitShortOrder
          local timer = Load(prefix .. 'pos_timer', Time())
          if oid != '' then
            local order = OrderContainer(oid)
            if order.isOpen then
              local delta = isLong
                  and Delta(order.price, cp.close)
                  or Delta(cp.close, order.price)
              if delta >= cancelDist then
                LogWarning('Delta cancelled '
              oid = ''
            if currentSize > sizeLimit and Time() >= timer then
              SetFee(reduceOrderType == MarketOrderType and TakersFee() or Abs(MakersFee())*-1)
              oid = cmd(price, amount, {type = reduceOrderType, note = name, timeout = 6000, positionId = posId})
              timer = Time() + 60 -- 1min
          Save(prefix .. 'pos_oid', oid)
          Save(prefix .. 'pos_timer', timer)
      -- da logica
        -- take profit
        if allowLong then
          updateTakeProfit(true, aep_l, takeProfit, slotCancel)
        if allowShort then
          updateTakeProfit(false, aep_s, takeProfit, slotCancel)
        -- risk management
        if allowLong then
          updatePositionManagement(true, pamt_l, maxSize, slotCancel)
        if allowShort then
          updatePositionManagement(false, pamt_s, maxSize, slotCancel)
        -- update slots
        if allowLong then
          for i = 1, slotCount do
            slot(true, i, slotSize, slotSpread, slotCancel, (pamt_s == 0 and signal == 1) or proi_s >= hedgeRoi) -- long slot
        if allowShort then
          for i = 1, slotCount do
            slot(false, i, slotSize, slotSpread, slotCancel, (pamt_l == 0 and signal == -1) or proi_l >= hedgeRoi) -- short slot
        if aep_l > 0 then
          local posId = getPositionId(true)
          Plot(0, 'AvgEP Long', aep_l, {c=Teal, id=posId, w=2})
        if aep_s > 0 then
          local posId = getPositionId(false)
          Plot(0, 'AvgEP Short', aep_s, {c=Purple, id=posId, w=2})
        Save('hedge_longPosId', hedge_longPosId)
        Save('hedge_shortPosId', hedge_shortPosId)
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Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Bot deactivated
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Backtest start date: 01/22/25 01:54:45 GTM+0
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Backtest end date: 01/22/25 01:54:45 GTM+0
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Backtest took: 00:00:01.6642358ms
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 ----- Custom Report -----
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Estimated Profit: 0.01 BTC
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 ----- Backtest report BINANCE_BNB_BTC_ -----
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Gross profits: 100.00000000 BNB
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Fee costs: 10.00000000 BNB
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Realized profits: 90.00000000 BNB
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Return on investment: 10.0000 %
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Price change: 0.0306%
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Closed positions: 100x
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Profitable positions: 60x (90.00%)
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Losing positions: 40x (10.00%)
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Average margin: 5.00000000 BNB
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Average realized profits: 10.00000000 BNB
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Executed orders: 100x
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Completed order: 100x
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Average open time: 10 seconds
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 ----- Performance report BINANCE_BNB_BTC_ -----
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Max. DrawDown: 1.00% / 40.00000000 BNB
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Sharpe Ratio: 1.00
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Sortino Ratio: 1.00
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Win %: 3.00 %
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Profit Ratio: 3.00
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Profit Factor: 3.00
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 CPC Index: 1.00
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Tail Ratio: 2.00
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Common Sense Ratio: 2.00
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Outlier Win Ratio: 3.00
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Outlier Loss Ratio: 1.00
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Profit Margin Ratio: 54.00
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Biggest Win: 100.00000000
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Biggest Loss: -100.00000000
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Highest Point in PNL: 5.00000000
Jan 22, 25, 01:54:45 Lowest Point in PNL: -5.00000000

*These numbers are for illustration only and do not reflect past or future performance.

The Market Making Bot will create two limit orders at a predetermined percentage away from the current price. When both orders are completed, the bot will again create two limit orders. The bot can maintain two sets of orders. A larger spread will result in fewer trades.

Crypto market making is a strategy where you simultaneously place buy and sell orders for a specific asset in order to profit from the bid-ask spread. As a market maker, you can benefit from this trading approach in several ways.

Market making can provide you with consistent profits, as you can earn from the spreads even in a sideways market. This can be a lucrative strategy in the long run, especially if you can manage your risks effectively and execute trades with precision.

Using this strategy improves liquidity in cryptocurrency markets. By placing both buy and sell orders, you contribute to the overall market depth, making it easier for other traders to execute their trades. This increased liquidity can result in tighter spreads and more efficient markets, which can benefit all market participants.

Additionally, as a market maker, you may qualify for fee rebates or discounts offered by some exchanges. These incentives can further enhance your profitability by reducing your overall trading costs.

Trading bots, such as those available on TradeServer Cloud, can play a crucial role in executing market making strategies effectively. These automated tools can monitor the markets in real-time and place buy and sell orders according to your predefined parameters. By utilizing trading bots, you can benefit from speed, accuracy, and consistency, which are essential components of a successful market making strategy.

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Promotions offered by third-parties and are subject to availability, terms, and conditions. Other restrictions may apply. Individual results may vary and are not typical.
  • Capitalize on Volatility

    Crypto is notoriously volatile, make them an attractive asset for traders looking to make a quick profit.

  • Create Liquidity

    Market makers help to solve liquidity issues by providing a constant stream of buying and selling orders.

  • Reduce Risk

    Market making can be a lower-risk strategy compared to other strategies because it involves buying and selling at the same time.

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* Please note that while our platform provides the tools to replicate the strategies of top-performing trading bots, individual results may vary. Success in financial markets is influenced by a variety of factors, many of which are beyond our control. Past performance is not indicative of future results, and there is always the potential for loss as well as gain. Always conduct your own research and consider your financial circumstances before making investment decisions.
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